Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm Following These Sites on Friday!

     I'm joining the blog hops today so I can get more followers here! I will be having great giveaways coming soon sponsored by myself and I'd love for you to follow my new site! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend! Happy Holidays!

    Please leave me a comment if you'd like me to follow you back! Thanks!

    Visit The Adventures of Paul and Natalie for great giveaways over there!

     You can also enter to win a $10 McDonald's Gift Card Giveaway right here! 2 prizes will be given to 2 different winner's! Come enter to win!


1. Evelyn said...

I'm a new follower from Fun Follow Friday...I look forward to seeing more of your blog!

2. Closer to Lucy said...

Lucy is out for a lil hopping...come by when you get time!

3. Summer said...

Thanks for stopping by! Now your newest follower!

4. Xenia said...

Thank you so much for joining us for Friendly Friday, we're so glad that you did! Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Holidays!

5. Jen M said...

Thanks for coming over and following me! Returning the favor :)
Jen @ My Secret Home

6. Ron Cooper said...

Happy holidays! I'mfollowing your neat blog from Social Parade blog hop. My Facebook page “Inspire” has inspiring messages. Stop by!

7. Emily @ said...

Hi, thanks for the follow on - I'm following you back!

8. Blogger Broadcast said...

thanks for stopping by. good luck with the set-up, can't wait to see more.

9. BrendaC said...

Thanks for following I am returning the favor, its always fun to watch a new blog grow! Have a great weekend.

10. Hanna said...

Hi there! I am your newest follower from the blog hop. Lovely blog:) You can find me at
Take a peek at my giveaways when you stop by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous:) HAPPY HOLIDAYS

11. SM said...

Following you from Follow Friday! You can catch me at Single Mom Says... or @StagMom on twitter! :)

12. Charla @ Healthy Home Blog said...

Thanks for stopping by Friendly Friday! :)

13. Canadianmom said...

Hi Natalie,

Thanks for the follow. Following back! Have a great week! Come check out my blog hop:
"Motivational Mondays"

Take care and have a great week!
Merry Christmas!

From: What's On My Mind

14. Just Wedeminute said...

Hi, found you on the blog hop and I'm your newest follower. Hope you can hop over and say Hi sometime

15. Texas Type A Mom said...

I'm a new follower hopefully you can come visit soon!

16. Danielle @ We Have It All said...

Hi, I wanted to stop and say Merry Christmas! I have a giveaway going on. If you get a chance, enter... I am trying to boost the entries!! We Don't Have It All Together

17. BeeCute said...

Im a new GFC follower from FFF. Would love the follow back at

Happy New Year!!

18. Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following back.


19. Simplegirl said...

Following from social parade fri. feel free to stop by.

20. DP said...

I'm your newest follower from the blog hop! Check out my blog and follow back!

Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

21. Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower from the Social Parade on Fridays Blog Hop. I'm hoping to meet some new friends and gain some new followers. So if you get a minute please stop by and follow back.

Have a wonderful weekend,

22. SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said...

Hello, fellow blogger and friend!

Do you want to gain more blog followers? Then come on and join my "Swap Followings" Linky Party. This is an excellent opportunity for every blogger to meet other bloggers, follow them, and be followed in return. How does this work? Just simply "swap your following" which goes like this, "I follow your blog so please follow mine."

When you decide to join, click and this will lead you to our party. It'll end on Friday at 11:59 pm and if you miss that, please come join us on Monday at 5 pm, PST.

Bring your best virtual smile, be prepared to meet great bloggers, and see you there! :)